
The magic of New York City

There is some magic in NYC. I know, I always tell everybody that it’s just a big mess and running and buzzing and stuff. But maybe because of this. It’s always boiling and making new things. Discovering ourself. NYC is the city of new things. The city of born of new ways and worlds.
City of the cathedrals. City of religion and soul. Buzzing like hell, but people try to make it even and aside of the everyday life they try to be human.
I tend to be the calm guy. This was my luck with Finland. I loved the calm, cold north. But from time to time, I do need the world of these funny buzzing running people. For some time. To speed up a little.

NYC is a womb.
And yes, I liked Michigen and Chicago a way more. But thats the calm north again.

I think I’ll try to see how canadian life is.




Self report :)

Fresh air, spring, happiness 🙂


USteam-es avatarom :) Tiszta nosztalgia :)


Fotózás / Photo shooting

Tegnap egy fotózáson jártam. Werk film lesz belőle. Kíváncsi leszek rá mit hozunk ki ebből.
Táncosokról szólt az este.
Félelmetes volt.
Valahol nagyon szomorú és kiábrándító amikor egy 14 éves kislány 20on évesként viselkedik és öltözik és él.

Amikor voltam fiatal…

Fura most a világ… Sok dolgot nemszeretek manapság…


I was at a photo shooting yesterday. We’re making a werk movie about it. I wonder how it will turn out…
The night was about some dancers.
It’s really sad and dissapointing when 14 year old girls are acting, dressing and living like 20 something.

When I was young…

It’s a starnge world. I dislike a lot of things…