
Denmark, here I come!



I’ll have a little chat at the Kishantos Folkschool, and maybe it turns out I’m goin to Denmark for three months from September. Well, we’ll see.


My thesis

IMGP7019 - Version 2

My institute in my school has the name of this dude.


This is the end :)

Thesis finished! No more writing till the morning for some time.

English summary:

The main purpose of my thesis is to cover the a road in theory, to the establishing of the example webshop. I cover the necessary topics for this.
In the first part I’m introducing e-commerce, and the main parts of a webshop. Then I’ll examine the Long Tail theory, and the advantages and disadvantages.
In the second part, I’m covering the main parts of the web 2.0, the development of the internet, the main fields where companies are using these possibilities.
The third part is about the webshops as a main part of the e-business. I’m covering the look and build of a common webshop. I’m emphasising the sell aid services, such as SEO, SMO, web analytics, community building. The online payment methods and applied laws are also in this part.
The fourth part is the planning of the Teafutá webshop. It covers both the design and the back systems. This part contains the ideas, which I believe, can make this particular webshop profitable and be able to stay alive in the market.



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.