
One of my all time favorite photos :)


So here’s the thing. We (with we, I mean my sensei, my dojo, and me) have talked a lot about budo. About articles, books, etc. And we’ve talked a lot about making a knowledge database. Accessible to everyone. With everyone, I do mean everyone. My main idea is collectivism. We can do things better than I can, and this applies to the world too. We (the world) can make things a lot better than I (Hungary) can.
So here is my plan 🙂
I will talk about this with Timo too. He is one of the founders of this idea. I want to make an international budo knowledge library. For Jodo, for Iaido, for Kyudo (if Ákos is in, then for Kendo too 😉 ). With english the main language, we can build a big library and with time we can translate it to every language.
I hope it will turn out to be good.

And, well, we have time. No need to run 🙂


Thesis presentation

I’m almost there!
Well, COU student can remember that I’ve demoed the software called Prezi.
Now I’m doing my presentation with it.

It was kinda painful when one of my teacher said: “is there anything else for this porpuse beside Power Point?”

Well…. like a million?
It’s sad that Microsoft managed to wipe the brains of the people and they think there is only their solution…



Wyctim » Információhullám



One battle is over, an other on the horison. Hopefuly the war ends on the 29th.
And one more down!
There is only the final battle left! 🙂