you never know what is waiting for you
Author: Feldin
At home
I think it was in the L’auberge espagnole that the guy said something like this. After this year I think I can feel and understand it a little.
It is the change of personality. I hope some progress of me, but definitely changed me.
I’m chinese, I’m nepalese, I’m german, I’m russian, I’m spanish, I’m finnish, I’m american, I’m australian, I’m japanese, I’m korean, I’m vietnamese, I’m czech, I’m italian, I’m african, I’m french, I’m mexican. I’m all these. They are all inside me and they all gave me a lot. They have been built in to me. Forever. And when I’m speaking they are all speaking through my mouth. They all possess some shard of the everything and they all shared this with me.
Thank you
Its a magnificent and beautiful movie. Life itself is in it. The best movie what I’v seen for a long time. I wish I could live like that. Wild, connected, natural.
Far from the modern, closer to the real.
Watch careful. This story is trying to talk to us. Think about it and make your own version.
The spirit (and some details 🙂 ) of the Miyazaki movies are well built in to Avatar. It get you close to The Nature in 5 seconds.
Feel it

itthon magyarul beszélnek az emberek. Ez fura. Nagyon.
Más ha egy barátoddal magyarul beszélsz. De itthon mindenki magyarul beszél. Magyarul filmelemeznek a mozi után. Álmodom. Fel fogok ébredni. Teljesen ilyen érzés.
Fura itthon lenni.
Nyitva várom mit hoz az élet.
Everybody is talking in hungarian here. It’s weird. Very weird.
It’s different if you are talking with a friend or family member. Here, everybody is speaking in hungarian. They are discussing a movie after it in the cinema in hungarian.
I’m dreaming and I will wake up. I feel like this.
It’s weird to be at home again.
I’m openly looking forward what this life here want to offer me. Free and open.
Szilveszter / New Years Eve
Későn kelés volt megint. Elmentünk Enikővel ebédre bevásáolni, majd főzött egy szuper ebédet 🙂
Ezután találkoztam Sunnyval. Jó volt újra látni. Terveztünk a jövőre pár utat 🙂
Este pedig elnéztünk Enikpék “céges” bulijára. Igazi olasz buli volt 🙂
Hazafelé a metron mg találkoztam egy jófej öltönyös feketével. Aki egy párocskával kezdett dumálni meg elénekeltük alánynak a boldogszülinapot 🙂 Életvidám volt. Nagyon életvidám. 2 másodperc alatt feldobta mindenki kedvét 🙂
On the way home, I’ve met a black dude on the tube. He was happy. He made his surronding smile. Talking with everybody. You need to enjoy life. He was wearing a suit, but he was openly loughing and singing HB to a girl and made us to do the same.
That was the best 10 minutes that day.